Tuesday 5 February 2013


Whilst trying to think about the designer i am I thought id have a look around to see what about me caught my eye and stood out more than the rest. One thing that did stand out was the colour 'red' i know it sounds weird but pretty much everything in my room is red! this isnt coincidence and it may sound silly focusing on a colour but ever since i was little if there was a choice of something in red id have it! 

This got me thinking more about the colour of my packaging, its one thing that is often over looked and just put there because it looks good! However because we have to make this about ourselfs i thought the colour of my packaging or at least parts of it should be a colour which people think represent me, so i asked about 10 people, some who know me well and others who i know only through uni, to see if the answers i got were very different. 

As i expected the answers i got differed from person to person, and as i expected the people who knew me well, associated me with the colour red, proving that 'red is my colour' and people who don't know me well at all picked a variety of colours which had no resemblance to me at all.. 

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