Sunday 31 March 2013

New App..

After the first workshop we had on animation, I went home I spent some of the very little money I have on this animation app (better be worth it) called "I can animate" just so I could have a play around with some simple animation! (Thanks to my flat mates acting stupid)

Wednesday 13 March 2013


I have always always always liked the animations which look to be drawing especially the adverts you get on tv now-a-days.. some of my favourites has to be the 'V Water' ad or the 'VW' ad...

V Water Advert

 VW Advert

Thinking, thinking, thinking...

To start, this is what came into my head when thinking about what i could do for my animation and the words that gave me the idea.. its quite a old style jazz-y song which a slowish beat..
Glentleman (top hats etc)
old street..

Aha! i have my idea...

The Third Man Theme

So, new day, new brief... making an 20-30 second animation inspired by a song... great. except I don't pick the song which makes it ten times harder.
Lucky when listening to the song and idea popped into my head straight away.. and oh, if you havn't guessed by the title the song i have it "The Third Man Theme"


Thursday 7 March 2013

Opps i forgot to publish these posts..

After looking through my blog i realised that my research posts weren't there.. then I realised that I didn't publish them as they weren't quite finished.. so here they are..

I began with good old google.. my search for 'self promoting packaging' helped me get started.. here are a few examples i found..

Yay its made..


Final Idea

These here are my final designs for my packaging, i knew from the start that i wanted to use red colours and have the quote "design is thinking made visible" so here are my final ideas.

Drawings and Doodles

when i was thinking about myself as a designer i found my self doodling drawings of things around me... this got me thinking.. I wanted to express myself as a designer by doodling drawings of things i used most when designing... i wanted to do these in doodle effects as it felt as though it was expressing more than if i were to draw them in detail..

What to go inside..

After making a mockup of my work i decided it needed something else inside to make it a bit more interesting, along with the fact i needed 4 items plus my logo to fit with the brief, as the whole project was on branding myself i decided even though advertising is the thing that interests me most that i wanted to show the other areas i am interested in.. such as photography and typography, these are the two designs i came up with for the words in the middle..



this quote is my favourite design quote at the minute, I believe it fits with everything good about design, when i design or other design there first ideas should go down on paper is this these thoughts which are developed and edited to depict and make a final product.